CBD Oil for Blood Pressure: What Research Says About It?

CBD Oil and Blood Pressure: What Studies Say?

Many people suffer from high blood pressure around the globe. It is referred to as a silent killer because a large number of people do not experience symptoms. High blood pressure puts unnecessary strain on the heart and body. This often leads to stiffening of the arteries and makes you more prone to heart attacks, strokes, and brain damage. Some common symptoms of high blood pressure are blurred vision, headache, shortness of breath, nausea, and vomiting.

People with high blood pressure benefit greatly from making lifestyle changes, dietary changes and can reduce the risk with the help of medicine to keep their blood pressure on track. On the other side, several people are looking for alternative ways to control their blood pressure. CBD can help in lowering and managing blood pressure. Here is what studies and research say about CBD and blood pressure.

What Is CBD and How Does It Work for Blood Pressure

CBD is one of the cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant; it is well known for its beneficial health properties. Several studies support that CBD is helpful in managing chronic pain, reducing inflammation, and alleviating mood. It is also helpful in improving sleep cycles; CBD is available in two forms: full-spectrum and broad-spectrum. Full-spectrum CBD means it contains mild amounts of THC and all other cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes. Broad-spectrum CBD means it has all the goodness of flavonoids and terpenes except THC. CBD isolate means it is purely CBD.

CBD Oil Tinctures

Everybody has an endocannabinoid system. This endocannabinoid system has receptors CB1 and CB2. These receptors help regulate many body functions, including mood, appetite, sleep, etc. Usually, cannabinoids affect this system in a unique way to manage various health issues. In reducing blood pressure, CBD acts as a vasodilator. This means that CBD helps to expand the diameter of arteries. In this way, blood has more space to flow and exert less pressure on walls. Moreover, it allows the heart to work less and maintain the appropriate blood pressure.

What Does Research Say About CBD and Blood Pressure?

Following are some studies and research regarding CBD and blood pressure.

  • This study supports that CBD acts as a vasodilator in humans’ and rats’ arteries.
  • This study also supports that CBD helps in lowering blood pressure. Nine male participants were part of the study. A single dose of six hundred milligrams reduced the blood pressure in those who were at rest or in some stress. With the help of a finometer and laser, and doppler parameters were measured.
  • This study also supports that CBD can play an important role in reducing stress-induced blood pressure.
  • Additional studies also support that cannabis is helpful in reducing blood pressure in older adults. These adults with hypertension were treated for three months. Cannabis treatment resulted in a reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure values.
  • This meta-analysis also says that CBD has no effect on blood pressure and heart rate in acute and chronic conditions under a controlled environment. But CBD effectively reduces stress-induced blood pressure and heart rates. This meta-analysis also concluded the severity of the condition, route of administration. Time, a dose of CBD, and heterogeneity with regards to species make it difficult to compare the different studies on CBD and blood pressure.
  • This animal study does not support that CBD and its effectiveness in lowering blood pressure.

The Risk Associated with CBD

According to the FDA, there are some risks associated with the use of CBD or CBD-based products.

  • CBD can interact with other medicines,
  • You can lose appetite
  • A high dose can cause diarrhea
  • Mood swings
  • Sedation in some cases

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How Much CBD Oil Should I Take to Regulate My Blood Pressure?
The answer to this question is dependent upon various factors such as the severity of the issue, weight, age, form of CBD, etc. everybody is different, so the CBD dose will vary for every person. Initially, it is better to start with a lower dose of CBD. Increase the dosage gradually until you achieve the desired effects; you should keep yourself alert for warning signs too.

Q. What Causes High Blood Pressure?
The exact cause of blood pressure is still unknown. Moreover, you can say that there are several factors that contribute to high blood pressure. These factors include obesity, unhealthy lifestyle, and high level of cholesterol, smoking, stress, and family history. Untreated blood pressure further causes many complicated health issues.

Q. Is CBD Oil Safe to Use for Blood Pressure?
Still, there are many unanswered questions regarding the safety and efficacy of CBD for blood pressure. WHO has approved CBD as safe and well-tolerated with fewer side effects? So you can use CBD for blood pressure. This study also emphasizes Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol.

Q. Can I Continue CBD Along with My Regular Blood Pressure Medicines?
It is better to take medical advice from your doctor or health care practitioner regarding the use of CBD. Your doctor can tell you in a better way because CBD can interact with some medicines. It is also the possibility that CBD, along with other medicines, may lower blood pressure to a dangerous level. So don’t try to incorporate CBD in your medicine regime if you are on certain medicines.

Q. Can I Get Addicted to CBD While Taking It for Blood Pressure Management?
No, it is not possible. Many studies and researches support that CBD is not addictive. It does not cause high like THC. So there are no chances of addiction.

Wrapping Up

Usually, patients with hypertension don’t show any symptoms, so everybody must consult a doctor for proper screening of blood pressure. Undoubtedly, CBD has great therapeutic potential, but still, there is less research in safety and efficacy. Moreover, some studies support that CBD is effective in reducing blood pressure, but some studies also say that CBD is not effective in regulating blood pressure. So there is a need for more human trials and clinical studies instead of animal and empirical studies. There is also a high for future studies to understand the full benefits of CBD.