Summer is around the corner and it’s starting to warm up here in Southern California! What better way to welcome the season and beat the heat than with an uplifting, ice-cold, fizzy, and HEALTHY refreshment? While many people enjoy an alcoholic cocktail on a hot...
We know that some days, it’s just harder to get that workout in. That’s why we’ve created a CBD-infused pre-workout smoothie to fuel your body while you increase your heart rate! The best pre-workout smoothies contain protein, fiber, good carbs, and...
The oldest relic of human industry is a piece of Mesopotamian hemp fabric dating back to approximately 8,000 BC, according to the Columbia History of the World. A Popular Mechanics article from 1938 stated that over 25,000 different products could be made from hemp in...
If you’ve ever experienced a caffeine headache then this article is for you. Life is often very busy, but we still manage to find the time for our morning cup of coffee, knowing that if we don’t, the dreaded headache awaiting will be an undesirable reminder. There is...
#1 Hemp is Marijuana FALSE. They come from the same plant family, Cannabis, but they are not the same plant. See our post Hemp vs. Marijuana to learn more. #2 Hemp is smoked recreationally. FALSE. Industrial Hemp may have very low traces of THC (<0.3%). So you can...