How Many CBD Gummies Should I Eat? - Procana

How Many CBD Gummies Should I Eat?

As adults, you may take CBD gummy supplements for a variety of health benefits. As CBD-infused edibles are taking the world by storm, these CBD gummies are one of the most sold products. People like them due to their taste and color. Undoubtedly these gummies are the easiest way to consume CBD. If you want to use CBD gummies for recreation or health benefits, you need to know the right CBD dose. This guide will cover everything related to dosing of CBD gummies. 

Factors Affecting the CBD Gummies Dose

There is a common misconception, i.e., you can take as many CBD chews as possible. Sometimes due to flavor and or taste, people forget to dose these gummies. CBD edibles come in different doses. Finding the right dose can be a little bit tricky, but there are some best practices when it comes to dosing CBD. Here’s a general guideline for finding the right dose.

  • If you are a first-time user, then start with low-dose CBD gummies. If you are used to CBD products and have well past experience with CBD and THC or other cannabinoids, then you can also go for high-dose CBD gummies. Your tolerance level plays an important role in initial dosing. 
  • Your overall size and body weight also play an important role in dosing CBD gummies. If you are heavyweight or tall, you may require more CBD gummies to get the action.
  • What kind of effects are you looking for in your CBD gummies? If you are looking for a calming and peaceful effect, then you may need a larger dose. A larger dose means you have to take more CBD gummies. As a beginner, you shouldn’t take a large dose even for calming effects. 
  • Metabolism and bioavailability are other factors. If your body can quickly metabolize the cannabinoids, then you may need higher concentrated products, or you have to repeat the product with equal intervals.
  • Initially, your body may react to CBD, so pay attention to such warning signs. So, it is wrong to think that you can take as many CBD gummies as you want; these are CBD gummies, not ordinary jelly gummies, so be careful.

CBD Gummies

Initial Dosing Guide for Beginners

As a beginner to CBD gummies, you can start a low dose and work your way up. You can gradually increase the dose to find out what works best for you. There’s not any single specific dose optimal that suits everyone. Each individual is unique, and their system and body will react differently to every dose.

– Start With the Low Dose

Initially, you can take one or two CBD gummies of 10 to 20 mg daily. Follow this routine for a week to ensure that it is well-tolerated and that no adverse effects or allergic reactions occur. If this dose is ineffective, consider boosting it to more than five mg per week until you reach the target dose.

– Listen to Your Body

Whenever you start to take CBD supplements or CBD, gummy bears must keep an eye on your body’s natural rhythm and changes. You can make adjustments in dose according to requirements.

– Take Advice From a Doctor

You can consult a physician or other health care professional who is well-versed in cannabinoids to decide the best dose of CBD gummies for you. The doctor will suggest the best dose by considering some important parameters such as your BMI, medications, and health issues. If you are already on medication, then your doctor has to pay more attention to the dose and its timing because CBD can react with certain medicines and affect their mechanism in the body.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I Take CBD Gummy Bears on an Empty Stomach?
Yes, you can take CBD gummies with empty effects. If you want to speed up the effects, you can take CBD gummies on an empty stomach. At that time, your system has only CBD gummies to metabolize, so you feel faster effects.

Q. Can I Take CBD Gummies After Dinner?
Yes, you can take it after dinner to calm your nerves and satisfy your sweet tooth cravings. Your metabolism plays a vital role in establishing the right dose of CBD. Because it affects the rate at which your body processes it along with other nutrients and compounds in the food. For more pronounced but slower-acting effects, you can consume the gummies after dinner but before half an hour going to bed.

Q. Can I Take CBD Gummy Bears to Regularize My Sleep Cycle?
Yes, you can take CBD gummies to improve your sleep cycle. Many people like to take CBD oil or tincture sublingually to regulate the sleep cycle, but still, many people don’t like the taste of the oil.

Q. Are CBD Gummies Legal?
Yes, CBD gummies are legal. If CBD gummies have hemp-derived CBD and THC less than 0.3 percent, then there are no legal issues in their selling and buying. The THC content of more than 0.3 percent may cause problems, but different states have different laws regarding THC content in different products, so you must go through the state laws along with federal laws to avoid inconvenience.

Wrapping Up the Things

So, that’s it. There is no universal CBD dose that works for everyone. Further research and human clinical trials are needed to determine the best CBD dose for specific health needs. There are a number of factors that affect the dose of CBD gummies. You can use above mentioned basic dose recommendations for certain conditions but bear in mind that they should be used as a guideline. Start with a low dose and gradually work your way up to find the ideal dose. Additionally, you can get professional help from a doctor, physician, or health care professional that has expertise in giving CBD to patients.